Blue Kaia…

a soft space where natural life is a celebration


…un espacio de suavidad, donde la vida natural es una celebración


Blue Kaia is a space of softness, sensuality, where natural life is a celebration. 

Blue Kaia was created as a gentle reminder that we can all make small changes that will bring us back to a happy, healthy, vibrant life.

Welcome home lovely! We’ve been waiting for you. 


Meet Mary:

Blue Kaia is cultivated by Mary Gamarra Whitehead, a journalist with a passion for wellness and holistic living.

Mary started her healing journey over 18 years ago when a series of digestive issues challenged her to look at her life as a whole and slowly change it: the way she ate, her relationships, how she dealt with stress, her home... It took a while, and it’s still a work in progress.

From her desire to share what worked for her and hoping to inspire other women, BLUE KAIA was born.

Our goal is simple: to journey back to a more natural place, to fall in love with the small daily habits that make a big difference and bring us back to health.


Conoce a Mary:

Blue Kaia fue creada por Mary Gamarra Whitehead, periodista apasionada por la vida holística.

Hace casi dos décadas problemas digestivos llevaron a Mary a emprender un camino de sanación. Cambios en su alimentación la ayudaron a descubrir que nuestro bienestar mental y emocional cuenta tanto como el físico.

De querer compartir todo lo aprendido nació BLUE KAIA.