Healthy AREPAS!!!

Arepas are life.  Just like empanadas are life… Said a hungry latin girl, lol.  Seriously though, golden and crispy on the outside, doughy on the inside and you can fill them up with anything you want.  Yum!  You can substitute bread with these beauties.

The issue is that arepas  are usually made with corn flour, and at this point, I am sure you have heard about all the health issues associated with corn (it is number one on the GMO food list- pretty toxic).


The good news is that you can easily make them with healthier ingredients, even ones that will help you keep a healthy weight.   One of my favorite recipes comes from a cookbook I have been obsessed with: “Latin American Paleo cooking” by Amanda Torres of “The Curious Coconut”.   I highly recommend this  book, she’s done such an amazing job of creating delicious recipes with non-inflammatory ingredients avoiding all gluten and processed food.

There are so many benefits to the ingredients on this arepa:

Arrowroot:  a flour that comes from NOT from a grain but from the root of a plant, like yuca (cassava).  Higher in fiber than potatoes, it is easier to digest while keeping your hunger at bay.  It also promotes a healthy metabolism and it boosts the immune system.

Coconut flour: again, NOT from a grain, coconut flour is rich in MCTs which have been shown to keep blood sugar stable, while promoting heart health and good digestion.  Studies have also shown it can help with weight loss.


I adapted this recipe to fit my needs … I eat listening to my own body..  Example: I don’t do so well on too many starches on dish.  If my plate has too many carbs, I end up crashing after I eat it (too much sugar for my body), so when this recipe asked for mashed potatoes or yuca, I skipped them.

So here is my adaptation of this recipe:



1 cup arrowroot starch

1/2 cup  coconut flour

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp Himalayan salt

2 tbsp of lard or ghee (I have used both)

1 large egg

2 tbsp of olive oil

1/2 cup of water

For the filling:

Avocado, Lime and Sea Salt


In a bowl mix all ingredients (including the water).  You can use a fork to mix the lard or ghee in.  Once the dough is ready, divide it and roll it into small balls.  In this case I was able to make 7. 


Flatten each dough ball into an arepa shape (not too flat so you’re able to cut into them to fill them up)

Heat up a pan with olive oil and fry them on each side until golden (don’t overcook them)

Preheat the oven to 375F

Bake them until golden brown.  I left mine in the oven for 16 minutes.  Once they are a bit cool, you can cut them in the middle and fill them up with anything you want.  I kept mine simple, smashing some avocado with lime and sea salt… yummmm!!


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