Ancestral Beauty Tips

The other night I had the opportunity of chatting with Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, a very well-known expert on Integral Medicine and Acupuncture.   She’s known as a “skin-whisperer”.

I have to confess there are so many “experts” out there with tips that “really work” that I am a bit skeptical when I go to beauty events.  This time, I was blown away by the information Dr. Trattner shared with us.  Her tips are key not just for the skin but also to live a much healthier life.

Here are some of her ancestral beautiful skin and anti-aging tips:

(Believe me, I will expand on the information of some of these… one, because I am passionate about the subject and also because I faithfully believe in integral health and beauty)

Eat bone marrow and bone broth:

Did you grow up seeing your grandparents or the elders in your family suck on bone marrow? I did.  And there’s a good reason they did that.  Bone marrow contains so many nutrients to not only help our skin, but also our hair, nails, joints and overall health.

And what about bone broth? This is also an ancestral recipe, especially if you grew up in Latin America… If you did, I am sure either your mom or your grandmother made you drink bone broth. These broths have a high amount of collagen as well as minerals that are incredible for the body. They are so nourishing and very easy to prepare (and cost-effective!)

I have a great recipe for bone broth I will be sharing soon. If you need it right away please send me a private message. 

Eat more dark-pigmented vegetables:

These contain antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is the first step before cellular damage. Which in turn leads to aged skin and disease.

You can find these antioxidants in vegetables like kale, beets, spinach, etc 

Take collagen powder:

I drink powdered- collagen every day. Thanks to the fact that there is a growing market for health-oriented individuals, we now have products, like coconut collagen creamers  that taste really good. This is the one I prefer and honestly I have gotten so many compliments since I started taking it.

This type of collagen helps our body as well as our digestive health.
What does digestion have to do with skin? Absolutely everything! If our digestive system is working well, our hair, skin and even our eyes look brighter and prettier, healthier.

Use adaptogens:

These are plants that humans have been using for thousands of years.

They help our system adapt better to emotional and physical stress.  They also help us improve our immune system.  

Remember: stress ages us, and it also makes us sick.  Some adaptogens you can find: I use reishi, chaga, lions mane… You also have ashawangda and maca among others. 

Keep a balance of good bacteria on your skin and in your gut:

We have an obsession with killing bacteria: From antibiotics to antibacterial soap, and sanitizers... but the truth is we need good bacteria on our skin as well as our stomachs.

This bacteria helps us digest our food and as we mentioned above digestion is key for bright beautiful skin.  

Ritual meditation and/or prayer:

I have to say, this is the ancestral tip that I LOVED THE MOST.  (As you know, if you follow me on social media, I like to lead women circles… For me being in sisterhood is essential to lead a happy fulfilled life)

Dr Trattner explained that rituals, or the mere act of being around other women helps us release oxytocin.  Known as the happy hormone, oxytocin is naturally produced by our bodies, its benefits are the following:

Luminous skin, it helps you look rested, it reduces muscle aging.

We can get all these benefits in such a natural organic way when we are hanging out with our group of friends. Also by meditating, praying, tending to our loved ones, etc.  Isn’t that beautiful?

I really hope that these tips help you connect with your ancestral wisdom and that to use them as tools for modern beauty.


Want a Flat Belly and Shiny Hair? Try Bone Broth


Healthy AREPAS!!!