Exercise and Moi: When We Stopped Being Enemies

Hi love,

Maybe, just like me, you’re sitting there wondering how in the world these girls out there are so fit? how do they find the energy and time to do so much? and how do they keep it up?

I want to tell you, you are me… I am you. I’ve NEVER consistently worked out in my life. I know you might think I’m exaggerating, but really…

Ok, here it goes (deep breath):

Growing up, I never worked out. It wasn’t part of my culture, no one around me had the habit of exercising, so it was something I just didn’t do. Ever.

About 18 years ago, when I was probably at my best physically (as you are in your twenties!) I decided I wanted to start exercising. This is when Ximena Gonzalez, an amazing Holistic health Coach (when it wasn’t a thing) forever changed my life “nope! you need to fix your diet, you need to heal your gut” she said. 18 years ago!! I know gut health is such a hot topic now, but back then, it sounded veeeery strange. Still, I embarked on a gut-healing journey then and for years concentrated on food as medicine.

Still, no exercise.

I had every intention to, but somehow I would always do it for a few weeks and quit. Throughout the years I tried different things: fitness classes, a trainer, working out with friends, nothing really stuck.

Finally, after turning 40, things were no longer where they needed to be and I realized I couldn’t rely on diet alone to keep me fit and I had to get serious about it.

Ok, now that I’ve given you context and what didn’t work, let me tell you what DID WORK and continues to:

  • A SUSTAINABLE workout routine:

    *I cannot workout for an hour. I repeat. I cannot workout for an hour. It is soul-sucking for me. It really really is! My girlfriend Karen who is in UNBELIEVABLE shape said “just do 30 minutes weight workouts”. And I did. Wow!!! yes!! this really worked for me!

    *Each day is a different work out. And if I ever can’t make it to the gym or a class I walk for an hour.

    *I need to see results. Call me shallow, but if it doesn’t show me results, I’m out. And, yes, this schedule has shown me results in the 6 months that I’ve been consistent with it (more on that below).

Here’s what my workout week looks like:

Monday: 40 minutes of reformer pilates

Tuesday: 30 minutes of weights upper body

Wednesday: 30 minutes of weights lower body

Thursday: 40 minutes of pilates that kick my butt (this is recent and I love it)

Friday: 30 minutes of weights upper or lower body, whatever is less tired.

Saturday and Sunday: nada. I rest. :)

I know you’re here to read about results:

  • Physically: in combination with staying away from things that cause inflammation in my body (gluten, dairy and sugar) drinking celery juice daily, this is the flattest my tummy has ever been.

  • I lost a few pounds, all of my clothes fit better, I feel better in them.

  • Mentally: as you know I’ve gone through a lot lately on this department (healing past trauma) and this has kept me afloat.

  • Energy: TONS!!!! this is probably the biggest change for me.

I promise you, if you stick to whatever works for you, making sure you’re honest with yourself … even the smallest acts done every single day produce GREAT results. I am proof of that. :)

Beauty, YOU’VE GOT THIS!!!! And I’m here to celebrate with you along the way!!!




Shrimp and Avocado Ceviche Served with Tostones (yumm)


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