My Experience with Celery Juice

Celery juice. I know. How many more people are going to post their morning celery juice? Seriously, enough already.

That was me a few months ago, I avoided the trend for years. The thing is when something becomes a trend, especially when it comes to food and health, my first instinct is to run the other way. However, it all changed when I came back from a trip to Perú (my home country) having all sorts of stomach issues.

A very brief backstory: my mom died of stomach cancer, the only thing that was clear about her diagnosis was that she had been infected with H. pylori (a bacteria) twice. Since then I take anything related to bacteria VERY seriously.

These were my symtoms when I got back from my trip:

  • I was feeling nauseous very often.

  • I had a faint pain in my upper abdomen.

  • I was bloated, gassy.

  • I felt moody with zero energy.

Looking at the overall picture I was sure I had caught a bacteria. As you know, I try to lead a natural life (conscious, not perfect) so my first course of action was to take oregano oil in capsules (as my very wise friend Nati Akil advised: just take a bunch of oregano oil and kill it all - lol).

A couple of days later I felt pretty much the same. Frustrated and willing to try anything, I started drinking celery juice every morning. At first I combined it with cucumber and lemon and eventually I intuitively decided to leave these out.

Since then, I’ve been drinking straight celery juice on an empty stomach EVERY DAY and I have to admit: WOW.

I have seen real tangible results: I’m now on week 8 and I’m pretty much free of any symptoms. I actually can’t believe I get to write that. I always gauge how things are internally by looking at my abdomen, it’s the first place that shows when something is wrong. It hasn’t been this flat since I came back from Perú. In terms of energy, I definitely feel more energetic and excited to start my day… however that is most likely a byproduct of feeling healthier overall. I’ll take it. :)

NOTE: Please know that I’m NOT saying that celery juice cured me. I believe healing is HOLISTIC… and it involves work on every level: a strict clean diet, lots of hydration, almost no alcohol, intermittent fasting, reducing stress (even if that means crawling into a hole until you feel better), etc. I did all of this in hand with the juicing.

There you have it: that is my anecdotal conclusion of the whole celery juice experience. When doing some research I found a very clear explanation of its benefits from Dr. Will Cole: “As simple as it sounds, celery contains many minerals and nutrients that are great for your gut. I’ve seen this simple solution work wonders for thousands of patients when they consume it consistently. Over time, the juice will help restore your stomach’s natural acid, HCL, aiding in healthy digestion and microbiome balance. I recommend drinking 16 ounces of fresh celery juice on an empty stomach in the morning.”


I use this slow masticating juicer - it’s slow in order to preserve all the nutrients. It’s pretty basic and not too expensive. Gets the job done.

I juice about 400 ml of celery every morning (which in my experience it’s about two bunches). I’m working on getting to 500 ml.

I drink it immediately after juicing for best results.

I’m fasting at the moment so I don’t eat anything after that until noon.

You could keep it in the fridge if you need to, but only for 24 hours max.




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